Monday, June 15, 2009


I harvested some cattails from a county gravel road ditch out side of town to the east. There is an old mining town there call Xenia and all that is left is this very old cemetery. I visited it since I was out there getting the cattails. I need to return to the cemetery with a camera as out in the middle of this area are two very large pine trees. They look like what I would call Ponderosa Pines but I really don't know. They are sitting on top of 1896 graves. I will photograph them and then you can help me identify them. I kept thinking what are those trees doing in Iowa? They had to be brought in by train or wagon train.
My stock tank is overgrown on one side and empty on the other. I am thinking of building a bench on the blank side so one could sit and feed the fish and watch them. I am going to divide hostas to plant on the ends. My racoon is still living in the tree as I saw her a couple of days ago while walking the dog. I hope my fish stay deep in the water at night.

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 I marked some hostas for a friend to let her know which ones she can get new starts from for har new garden spot.