Thursday, July 23, 2009

Off the wall.....

Or off the ball.....

I am a little off normal today. I took this as quick knee jerk reaction to what I was seeing last night. I moved the ball out into the open as to where it was setting all the plants had covered it up. There isn't a decent background so I just shot close. Later when I examined my results, it is really a joke. Can you see me in the reflection. I am wearing cargo shorts, but it looks like a small elf with long pants. The flat plane to the right is actually a 55 gallon aquarium standing on end on the patio. I am letting the soft rain water take the minerals off the top rim of the aquarium and that is dissolving it. Obviously it isn't a great sight on the patio right, classy place. I will move it after one more rain. I have been fascinated with trying to get a good shot of the reflection ball. I won't stop trying.


Anonymous said...

I liked the photo. I see these balls from time to time but never owned one. Years ago they were very popular and almost everyone had them in the yards and gardens.

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claude said...

Hello Larry !

The Retired One said...

Too funny that you can see yourself taking the picture in the reflection...I liked that shot!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Keep trying..I love that the house is reflecting in the gazing ball:)


 I marked some hostas for a friend to let her know which ones she can get new starts from for har new garden spot.