Sunday, September 6, 2009

Otter Cliff revisited......

Otter Cliff on Mount Dessert Island. The climbing around on the cliffs did pay off as we found some beautiful scenes. There is a trail along that north shore of the island and it really isn't very dangerous unless you try to do climbing is some vertical, difficult areas.
This is a photo of some vegetation along those trails. There was also poison ivy along there that was doing quite well. The island is believed to be created by volcanic action so there isn't a very heavy amount of soil on top of the rock.


Alan Burnett said...

I never realised that the Maine coastline could be so beautiful - tides or no tides.

OiseauBird said...

J'aime beaucoup ce genre de "bord de mer", la couleur des rochers, les vagues qui sautent en ecume blanche..tres belles photos, merci.

The Retired One said...

I need to go there for sure!


 As I drive out in the morning heading south I see a cloud formation trying to cover the sun. I shot it through a dirty car window so there ...