Thursday, October 1, 2009

Don't Mess with Mother Nature.....not!

My birch tree is starting to turn. It was cold and windy out there but I had to run an errand across the street so I took my camera in my shirt pocket. I needed to be wearing a coat but I will the next time.

While in Photoshop CS2, I was trying to create a black and white of this photo. There wasn't enough contrast to make it work as I was on the north side of the tree in the shade. So let them be blue instead and that is far out.

I also played with it a little and made the yellow leaves brighter. I have to keep an eye on this tree as it turns quickly, then in a single rain all the leaves can just fall to the ground.


Ezhilan said...

The contrasting green and yellow colors looks beautiful.The variations also looks interesting.They looks like,as though they were shot at different times of the day.

claude said...

Your birch tree is turning different colors? yellow (as mine) , lighter yellow ( as mine) and in blue (not mine)!!!

Sunny said...

Birch trees are my favorite, I actually like the blue effect, it's kind of different for sure!
Sunny :)

Gigi Ann said...

Autumn beautiful Autumn. I love the beautiful colors of the many trees in Autumn.

Anonymous said...

I like the different effects that you gave the birch tree. I really like the blue effect on the second picture.

The Retired One said...

Our leaves here are odd this year..some are in full color and then if you go around a curve in a road some are still all green. Go figure.
I will be posting some nature scenes soon of the wonderful color here (if it ever stops raining!!)


 As I drive out in the morning heading south I see a cloud formation trying to cover the sun. I shot it through a dirty car window so there ...