Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Parade......

I didn't have a snow storm to share with you so I will give you a sample of the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade.  Spiderman is always in the parade hovering above everyone.


Kermit the Frog is busy greeting everyone.  He gets to be on a float later and sings to us.

My camera kept flashing so I had to adjust the angle of the camera in order to take these off of the television.

This is a float of very large fruit and vegetables and gourds. The singer is singing a song to Kermit the Frog who is sitting on the giant gourd.

Here we are with a song about believing in Santa Claus.  Following this float was a large group of girls with pom poms  rooting for the upcoming float of Santa and his sleigh. The giant gourd just fascinates me as it had to be big enough for the puppeteer to sit inside of and to give Kermit all of the right moves.  Enjoy your day all over the world.


GLOGIRLY said...

Hi Larry,
Thanks for stopping by today with such sound advice for me. I really appreciate it. You are right... at least Red Dog doesn't have a heartbeat.

Those are nice photos of the parade! ...I can't believe you took them of your TV! Glogirly said we couldn't watch the Macy's parade. She said that she might not be able to stop herself from throwing something big and hard at the TV. (Macy's laid her off after 20 years, so she's got this 'thing' against them.)

But she's thankful she's had ME to spend her unemployed time with. That's the whole reason I have a blog!

with love from Katie

Gigi Ann said...

Thanks for the photos of the parade. I didn't watch TV today, I curled up in my reading corner and read a book.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I missed the parade too! Happy Thanksgiving to you Larry and your lovely wife and all your furry friends! I always enjoy my visits over here..sometimes I get behind on my reading. We got snow here on Wednesday morning..the ground is white:)

The Pink Geranium or Jan's Place said...

I missed the parade as well, so thanks for the pictures!

We had rain, more rain. It is gray, and wet. The horses fields are becoming mud holes, and I am thankful they can go in their barn!

I hope your Thanksgiving was full of family and good food!!

claude said...

Cool to watch the parade on TV and to shot it.
Thanks you for sharing that with us, Larry.
A year my friend's friend, Marilyn sent us a card to wish us Happy Thankgiving day. I told her in France we have no this celebrating day and we eat a stuffed turkey for Christmas.
Have a good week-end.

My computer goes to the "doctor" this afternoon. It is so tired.

Sunny said...

Thanks for sharing the parade, I didn't get a chance to see it on TV.
Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving day.
Sunny :)

Taking Flight....

 Paper cranes float in a mobile circling around each other. The are stiff looking and yet seem to be light and airy in design.