Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hey dad, I need a haircut.....

While I was working outside today on the window installation, I kept seeing a little over-furry dog stick it's head up and watch me. He doesn't like the sound of the saws and all the junk that is all over the patio, so he doesn't come out to see what is going on. Barney of course is helping me by keeping the killer cats in the neighbor's yard in their place. He patrols the fence and makes sure they don't come into our yard.


Anonymous said...

Both of your dogs are cute -Dogs are so much company. One looks like our Sammy he too needs a haircut -so he gets his Thanksgiving haircut tommorrow.

Sunny said...

Look at that face...too cute! What would we do without their help?!
Sunny :)

Far Side of Fifty said...

He is a bit fluffy! But winter is on it's way and you need fluff!

I bet Barney is doing a great job keeping the "killer" cats out of the yard too! I would guess that the birds appreciate his efforts! :)

Prospero said...

Poor Button. Doesn't like a big mess.

Valerie said...

Awww what an endearing photograph. Love the fluffy look.

The Retired One said...

They are adorable.
Maybe they are studying to be carpenter's apprentices. haha


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