Monday, November 16, 2009

Orchids Revisited.....

The two orchids I bought a month or so back are still alive.  I am having a slump day today, so be patient. I am not repeating photos, senile, but I am repeating a theme.  I had taken close-ups of these and was so anxious to share them, but now I will show you the larger forms.  I have a blogger friend across the seas who has numerous orchids so I have some resource person to cry out to for help to keep them alive.  Another friend of mine said that she treated them like African violets, and I can do that too.

I don't want a large collection of these but I would like to see them through at least another blooming cycle.  I am going to mess with these on photoshop and make them my creative thing for a day.


Valerie said...

Great! They are still young plants, Larry, they should have several flowering seasons. I have a section in a book which gives instructions for these orchids. Mail me if you need to know anything.

L. D. said...

Thanks, I made reference to you as I remember you had a lot of these plants.

Sunny said...

Stunning orchids. I have no green thumb, I have even been known to kill artifical plants!
Sunny :)

GLOGIRLY said...

They are beautiful, Larry. One of my favorites. I've only tried growing an orchid once, but it didn't get enough light and never came back after it dropped its bloom. I love that they seem to keep their bloom forever though!

Ezhilan said...

I like the colors and the shapes of the orchids. Nice captures of the flowers.

Far Side of Fifty said...

looks like you are doing something right..way to go..It will be interesting and we can all learn along with you:)

The Pink Geranium or Jan's Place said...

Larry, they look wonderful, you seem to be doing something right.


 Old glass pieces that have no planned arrangement.  I guess it is call a candid shot. It is a lesson in how not to take a photo.  I even cu...