Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunsets in Iowa.......

as I am driving home the sun actually sets, but becomes exposed to us all.

Our fall skies are always changing and the clouds come and go. The formations seen here are fall clouds, with their puffy shapes and low hovering movements.


Alan Burnett said...

You can almost feel the pressure of that great bank of clouds. Most atmospheric.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What a wonderful expanse of sky you are able to see. I love clouds and sunsets. Nice shots.


Sunny said...

It looks like the sun is falling out of the cloud...beautiful skies.
We were thinking along the same lines today.
Sunny :)

OiseauBird said...

Very beautiful skies a little worring
Wonderful pictures.

Ezhilan said...

The sunset looks wonderful! The clouds looks like an another world hanging out in the sky. It seems to be the sun wanted to shows it's face another time, before going behind the earth.

Anonymous said...

Your sunset photos are so pretty -I believe the sky is so pretty in the fall of the year. Ours tonight was a big bright orange Bat called it a pumpkin sun. Of course, no camera around!

The Retired One said...

Loved these shots...the clouds are awesome.
