Friday, December 25, 2009

Angel glow......

I think it is the exhaustion, but I am trying to explore and learn about all the settings on my camera that I bought this summer.  I used the fireworks setting for this and it creates a nice effect and shuts the flash down.  I will keep exploring now that I see I even have a snow setting that I haven't been using.  I maybe got a concussion or something as I am going to go read the manual and figure out the camera that I own.

This is my try with the tree, using the fireworks setting.  I promise to not take anymore Christmas pictures now. This will be the last.


GLOGIRLY said...

Dear Larry,

Your tree is beautiful!!! Glogirly is LOLing at your comment about the camera manual! Gloman is very much an anti-manual guy. But the camera manual seems to be a big exception. I think he should just get a simpler camera. He disagrees.

We hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. Thank you for being our special blogging friend.

Glogirly and Katie

Anonymous said...

I never read manuals either. Your tree is stunning Larry.

The Pink Geranium or Jan's Place said...

Oh I love your comments about your manual..I suppose I should read mine as well!

The glowing tree shots are wonderful..

Merry Christmas!

Ed said...

Nice shots, manuals are nice to have but experimenting is also a fun way to learn. But my best friend when shooting at night is my tripod..:-)

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

I have a new camera, simple and inexpensive...and am playing around with settings...will have to try the fireworks one tonight on the tree...

Sunny said...

When all else fails, read the manual! I like the way this settings works, very pretty.
Hope Santa was good to you and yours.
Sunny :)

The Retired One said...

I like the glow of the Christmas tree in that one...

Ezhilan said...

Glowing lights make these photos dreamy and beautiful. Reading the manual helps me to take good quality photos. Experimenting gives us unique photos. I have taken some festival photos using these settings resulting in some interesting results.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Interesting photos Larry..I wasn't tired of your holiday photos either. I need to read more in my manual also..I need to move off my auto settings..that is a big step for me:)
