Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dogs on duty........or maybe off duty......

While decorating the tree last night, the dogs became bored with us.  Barney decided to stay out of it and just rest on his favorite love seat.

Button was just as indifferent to the whole process and as long as he had a pillow to lean on he just didn't care what was going on in the house.


Anonymous said...

They are both just so cute and they look like they have the best seats in the house.

claude said...

May be they feel Christmas time is not a good time for them.
That reminds me when I was a young girl at my parents' home, when Dad was preparing the car to go on vacation, our dog "Black" stayed in the car all day long. We wondered if he was not afraid we did not to take him with us.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

They are both so cute. I'm sure they are enjoying being inside where it is happy, warm and safe.


Alan Burnett said...

What wonderful dogs. Why is it that dogs are such a pleasure to live with?

Sunny said...

Such cute pictures. Our dog Lucy wasn't too concerned with tree decorating, the cats, however, were a different story!
Sunny :)

Valerie said...

Fabulous picture. They both look very interesting in what's going on.

Far Side of Fifty said...

They look all comfy..not at all spoiled now are they! :)


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