Sunday, December 6, 2009

Phlox maniputlations......manipulations I mean......

Phlox from my garden in August.  It is a very cheerful sight to see this on a gray, dark day.  A snow blanket of 1 or 2 inches for tonight, and then Tuesday and Wednesday, stay home.

Being stuck inside and taking a day off from work, I needed to explore and review some of my photo manipulation skills.  I just had forgotten where to go to do these simple effects.  I did discover some far out stuff, that I may play with some time in the future and share.

Sepia Sunday for today, but I want to start doing Sepia Saturday, to give myself a creative challenge with my pictures.  I am having a day of rest and my body is speaking to me and saying "Thank You."


Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

I have a brown thumb so all my plants are fake...but flowers this time of year certainly are brave!

Alan Burnett said...

Welcome to Sepia Saturday. That photo works very well indeed. I look forward to more next Saturday.

Valerie said...

Always listen to your body when it tells you to rest. I liked your pictures very much. Seeing them reminded me that somewhere I have a programme that creates the different effects. I can't find it, although it may be on the other laptop. Off to search.....

L. D. said...

I can't find the menu on my Photoshop to do sepia, but my Iphoto does it for me. The problem is that it permanently changes it in the library so you need two copies in there so you can retain your original. Iphoto also can do a black and white for me also. It is fun to try something nes.

Gigi Ann said...

I like my iphoto effects thingy also, If I want the original, I just click onto the little picture that says original and it goes back to the way it was when I started, at least I think it works that way. It always does for me, but each computer is different. I have a MacBook computer, and I'm lovin' it!

Sunny said...

I'm glad you had a day of rest.
Your Phlox is really pretty in any color.
Sunny :)

Anonymous said...

Your phlox is really pretty in all the photos.
I like changing the photos also - I never thought about it but I probably should do two like you so I'll have the original.

Ezhilan said...

It's an interesting idea to play with different types of filters. I like the sepia photo.

Prospero said...

The sepia is nice. I guess it's our love affair with the past that does it.

Snow Falling Today.....