Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sunday Silliness.......

An angel sitting on a cupcake.  It is so silly that I like it.


Spot the dog seems to be a happy fellow.

Yesterday's blog was so serious compared to my ridiculousness today. Finished  a lot of tasks today and my list is getting smaller.  I still need to shop for my wife, but all the other presents are now purchased.  We were in a store where they had a shopping cart director.  It worked well.  We were all in a line as long as most of the store, and the lady with the name card, stood at the entrance to the check out stations and politely directed everyone to a free counter.  I only got run into once by the lady's cart behind me , but she was stressed and I just turned a smiled at her. She was busy shopping while in line going back and forth to get things to put in her cart.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Well I sure enjoyed your Angel in the cupcake..she made me smile! And Spot..well that one is great have quite a beautiful collection ! :)

Valerie said...

They're unusual tree decorations, very attractive. Oooh those carts usually hit my heels ... quite painful when that happens. Merry Christmas.

Sunny said...

I love all your ornaments, your trees must look delightful.
Speaking of presents, I put my husband's gift in a safe place and now I can't find it! I hope I'm not going senile!
Enjoy your Sunday.
Sunny :)

GLOGIRLY said...

Glogirly loves the cupcake! She's famous for her yummy cupcakes. She just made some for the intruders the other day. They were Bacon Cupcakes! ... sounds like something even I would like.

I'm sure glad I don't have to brave the Christmas shopping crowds...I just make my list and send Glogirly on her way.

(Glogirly's cat)

Hilary said...

Love the photos.. the colours are so warm and bright. I don't think I've ever seen a shopping cart director before. I wonder how that appears on her resume. :)

Ezhilan said...

With bright colors and good lighting, they look attractive and cheerful. An angel sitting on a cupcake looks different and interesting.

The Retired One said...

So sorry I am so behind in reading your blog, Larry...just can't get it together with our trip to Florida and all the holiday hub-bub...just now catching up on all your posts since about 4 weeks ago, so be prepared for 3 thousand comments all on one day.
Loved the lighting on the ornament photos.
I have been holding my breath for 3 days computer with all my pictures is in the shop now with a prayer they can recall my photos. I have saved some of them onto CD's (but didn't get to all of them yet) and we just had purchased an external drive which I hope to God saved all my pictures on time will tell.
Hope the holidays are good for you and your family!

Anonymous said...

aww, they are too precious!!

claude said...

Very beautiful Christmas ornaments, Larry. I love the angle on the cake !!!


 The starling comes in with large numbers giving it an ability to have a gang attitude. The rain has wet the feathers a little bit on its he...