Thursday, December 17, 2009

A very diverse day..........

A busy life can take all the color out of your life. We need to be careful or all of the color will just leave our lives, forcing us to make only black and white choices.  Life looses it quality and depth.

Never fear, I am still hanging in there by my fingernails and I will survive.  Light, which makes the spectrum shine, is at the end of the dark tunnel.

I know that everyone is busy at this time of the year.  I am not the only one with deadlines and more work that there is time.  I hope they too can take a moment and see the color that illuminates our life and receive a revived sense of being.


Anonymous said...

What a good saying -it's so true we get to busy and it just takes the joy out.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Nice post L.D.

May you and your DW have a lovely Christmas.


Ezhilan said...

Good thoughts to remember. Sometimes we forget important things of our life because of the pressures of everyday life. The Christmas tree looks nice with ornaments.

Sunny said...

It seems the older we get the more hectic the holiday season gets...what's up with that? Guess we all need to take time to smell the egg nog!
Hope you meet your deadlines without losing any of the colors of the season.
That's a sweet little tree, very pretty.
Sunny :)
P.S. Lucy gave me your message, thank you...I will keep an eye on the mail.

The Pink Geranium or Jan's Place said...

Isn't it funny how we get sidetracked so easily?

Great illustrations to go with the reminder! Stay warm during that cold Iowa storm, or two!!

Bren Haas said...

VERY Creative... I always get inspired when I visit your blog.
Thanks for being such a wonderful garden network friend. Merry Christmas.
Are you on facebook? I have a fan page at

Far Side of Fifty said...

Lovely tree Larry..yes sometimes I need the light to chase off all the black and white in my head..thanks for the reminder:)

The Retired One said...

Great thoughts of exactly the right thing to hear this time of year...and showing it with your black and white photo was excellent!


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