Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Yew bush got dusted...........

I ran out of daylight before I got outside to record our snowstorm.  I kept seeing some neat shots as I went out to stock up on milk and bread.  I saw some great drifts on objects while I was scooping an area for out dogs to go do their business.  A short poodle can't find anywhere to go when the snow is nine inches deep.
So I took photos at night and the flash reflected off of the snow flakes.  It is cool how the flash reflected back at the camera.  Created orbs for those of you who believe in ghosts.  Anyway, tomorrow I will wade out and take some daytime photos in the 25 mph wind.


Anonymous said...

Such a neat shot- I like the flakes coming at the camera. We always have to make a path for our poodle too. I hear all that snow is coming our way.

Jimmy said...

They are rattling the word of snow on the weather tv for here in NC. But nothing like you get.

Sunny said...

Thanks for sending the snow our way! It's like a blizzard at the moment.
I love your picture, it looks like bizzare bug making its way through the snow and the 'orbs' are cool too.
Stay warm.
Sunny :)

claude said...

U just enlarged your photo, Larry, It seems this tree is decorated with some Xmas balls of light. Very nice !r

OiseauBird said...

I said hello to you and stay warm
Nice pictures

Valerie said...

Snow makes the bush look really pretty. My dog never had a problem with finding a spot, it was just a pity the snow turned brown when he'd finished. Aww happy days.

Snow Falling Today.....