Friday, January 22, 2010

We have had worse..........

Two days of ice on the car has left it with a nice decoration.

The coating on this looks more like a clear frosting coating, rather than ice. 


Sunny said...

After the horrible ice storm we had last winter that left us without power or water for 7 days, I have little fondness for ice. It makes for a magical coating on everything it touches and great photo ops, but I would much rather have snow if I had to choose between the two.
Your car looks a lot like mine, minus the ice.
Be careful.
Sunny :)

claude said...

The car has beautiful moustaches. Brrrr !
I enlarged the second photo. Impressive but very beautiful
Not so cold here.
I want to thank you for your kind comments, Larry.

Les Barr said...

Yes, the ice does make for a nice coating and pretty to look at. Once in a while we get an ice storm around here, and it looks pretty much the same. I don't mind driving in the snow, but ice I'm not too fond of. Today we were supposed to get a mixture of snow and ice, but it never came around. Good!

The Retired One said... dangerous...but I bet when the sun comes out you will have a glass menagerie on the trees and it will be gorgeous!!
I remember the ice storms when I lived in Topeka Kansas and how beautiful the fields looked after...of course I wasn't a photographer then (dang!)

Far Side of Fifty said...

That tree photo is awesome! It is incased in be careful out there Larry. I think we are supposed to get freezing rain later fun..:)

Side View

 I saw the bird on the feeder and knew it was larger than the sparrows that are usually on the feeder. The feeder is empty but the mourning ...