Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The trunk of the tree.....

The textures and colors are so diverse on the trunk of a palm tree.  This of course is at the Botanical Center.


Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Amazingly prehistoric looking!

claude said...

Nice shot, Larry ! Mine are not exactly the same.

Prospero said...

This, of course, is a very common sight around my parts. The palm, one of the most important trees for mankind.

Alan Burnett said...

Yes, wonderful textures : you can gaze at it forever and see endless patterns and shapes.

The Retired One said...

I KNOW! I am mesmerized by them everytime we go down to Florida...those and those huge oak trees with the hanging moss...loved them too...we will be going back down there in April when my daughter has her baby..can't wait to see them and the tropical birds again!!

Far Side of Fifty said...

It has lots of texture..I am always drawn to trees of any kind:)

Fern Leafed Peony...