Friday, April 30, 2010

A different view point.......

My Japanese styled backyard gate. I have never shown it to you from an end view.  Our border collie, Barnabas, loves to stick his head through the middle square and bark at passerbys or cats. Our small dog, Button, can climb through the lower square but has only done it once.  I guess he didn't think it that exciting to leave the yard.


Sunny said...

Very cool gate! Lucy would probably join right in with Barnabas.
I have been enjoying your posts but had great difficulty posting comments, hopefully this has been resolved.
Sunny :)

Anonymous said...

That's cute about Barnabas and Button!

claude said...

Beautiful, Larry !
Before planting a high hedge all around our garden, we had a styled western gate.
Have a nice week-end, Larry !

Betsy Brock said...

Oooh..that's so pretty! Cute about the dogs...aren't you glad they don't like to run away? ha.

Delwyn said...

Hi Larry

your gate does have a very oriental feel to it - which i love..

happy days

Candid Camera.....

 A  wreath that is due to come down.  I don't see it usually as it is on the back side of the door. I will disappear soon to storage.