Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hyacinth in spring.....

I helped plant these at my neighbor's house. I have been photographing them as mine are not blooming yet.

This is such a nice blue. They are so fragrant and after so much white snow they have a very welcomed intense color in the garden.


Anonymous said...

I love the fragrance of hyacinths but I have never had any in our gardens. It would be hard to choose a favorite; both colors are so pretty.

Jimmy said...

beautiful photos, Larry.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Those are beautiful. They are a bit of wonderful, striking color after all that snow you had.

Hopefully you will be seeing yours blooming soon.

Enjoy ~ FlowerLady

The Retired One said...

I love their smell...I should plant some in my yard for next year!

claude said...

They looks mine very well. It seems we both have the flowers in our gardens, Larry !

Sunny said...

How pretty. The blue is so vibrant. I love spring!
Sunny :)

Valerie said...

Years ago, before I bought the house, the occupier planted her indoor hyacinths in the garden. I've had the pleasure of seeing them every year since. Have to say they're not as deeply coloured as yours, but the perfume is still there.

Gigi Ann said...

They are lovely, like both the pink and the blue.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Up here the flowers are so small..must be our too cold winters. They are best as forced bulbs indoors..but in Iowa these seem to be thriving..lucky ducks:)

Spring View....

 I took the shot of the birdhouse on the pole but I got a picture of a tree instead. When the leaves form we never see the birdhouse.