Friday, April 9, 2010

Three shots......

Picture Number One

Picture Number Two

Picture Number Three

I liked all three of these photos and I couldn't decide which one to post. I thought it would be a good learning situation by you telling me which one you think is the best one. If you want to explain why that would be great!


The Retired One said...

I liked the first one best...first, because the others seemed too light, and second because I liked the interest in the "pulled back" shot where you could see the blades of grass, the flower and the bucket in it.

Anonymous said...

I like the first one best. I like seeing the pail/pot, flower and statue. Are those tulips planted there also?

L. D. said...

Yes, those are tulips in the background. I did darken the bottom two after the Retired One mentioned that they were light. I edited them so quickly that I hadn't noticed they were light.

Hilary said...

That first one is most appealing to my eyes. I like the extra texture of the.. rusty pail, is it?

Sunny said...

I like the composition of the first one best, it's very pleasing to the eye. I like the colors and textures and the few left over leaves from autumn hiding in the grass.
Sunny :)

Alan Burnett said...

For me it has to be the third one. I find the flower detracts slightly from the main feature of interest which is the shape of the statue.

Martin said...

I like the first one Larry. The little blue figure in his flowering surroundings. There's a good deal of narrative here.

Far Side of Fifty said...

The last one is a strong photo..with the statue being the main focus. Your eye is drawn to the the others your eye bounces around..just my opinion:)

jennyfreckles said...

First one for me definitely - I like the balance of the 3 elements - flower, statue and rusty pail - and where they are in the frame. There's a triangle around which my eye moves. And I like seeing the context and the textures.

Candid Camera.....

 A  wreath that is due to come down.  I don't see it usually as it is on the back side of the door. I will disappear soon to storage.