Thursday, May 6, 2010

Summer snowflake......Viburnum.....

I have the sun over my right shoulder and I am wearing a bright red summer pull over shirt. The sun reflected off of my shirt an onto the flowers.  That is such a nice thing as they really are pure white.

Another special effect was the drama that the sun gave me with high contrast. The shadows make it almost seem like a black and white.


Anonymous said...

Both pictures are very beautiful! The red from your shirt makes that first photo so unique.

The Retired One said...

So clear and nice...white is hard to photograph in flowers..but you got it perfect!!!!

Alan Burnett said...

Yes two great photographs. Few people can capture the majesty of flowers like you can.

claude said...

Very nice photos, Larry !

Valerie said...

I like the way the shadows turn the petals grey in the second picture. A complete difference to the pink hue from your shirt in the first.

Betsy Brock said...

How very cool that they reflected your shirt! I don't think I've ever smelled anything so wonderful as viburnum!

Far Side of Fifty said...

That second photo is a real the is a beautiful plant! :)

Window View.....

 Hardy Geraniums living the good life inside during the winter weather outside is freezing.