Saturday, May 29, 2010

Three little kittens.......

I went out to my garden shed to put away a few things and I looked down and saw three sets of eyes looking up at me.

I have some items that are leaned against the shed ready for me to decided whether to toss them or take them on into the shed.   A mother cat has decided to drop them into the bunch of stuff.

There is a tiller sitting there and some windows that I need to throw away.  I also have some wood posts leaning against the area.  They are not tame as I  tried picking one up to show my wife.  Thankfully the neighbors right next door own the cat and the kittens.  They were born over in their junk pile and a yard full of big and little dogs.  I guess she decided that my junk was neater and cleaner.
Once we get them a little tamer, my neighbor lady said she wanted to take them into the house and tame them more.  I will keep you informed of that progress as our dog Barney likes to chase cats, not hurt them,  just chase them.


Anonymous said...

Those are the sweetest faces. That must have given you quite a start to see those unexpected eyes looking up at you!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Oh and they are pretty cute little kittens too:)

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Kittens are so cute, and the three little ones you have visiting you are adorable. We have 4 feline girls, all born on our property, two are sisters, the oldest not quite 5, then probably two relatives on down the line, one 4, and the next and last is 3. We say no more. We got all of them fixed at the same time a couple of years ago.

All it really takes to tame these little critters is 'food'. :-) Glad your neighbor is going to take them in.

Enjoy them while they are visiting.


Valerie said...

What a surprise to find those pretty kittens,I'm glad they have a home to go to.

Betsy Brock said...

Oh, they are so cute! The Mister found a baby kitten in our yard this weekend. The litter is next door...8 babies!

The Retired One said...

those are adorable! Good thing I don't live any closer, or I would come and get one for a pet! I miss having cats!

Christine H. said...

I can't decide which one is the cutest!

The Pink Geranium or Jan's Place said...

all I can say is...ahhhh how cute!

Hilary said...

Oh that would have just made my day.. it practically did. I love cats.. and with Benny the Jack Russell Terror, I know all to well the chase-but-not-hurt scene. Aren't you tempted to keep one of them?

chasity said...

their sweet blue eyes are irresistible.

Vivian aka Deborah said...

I adore that first one with the blue eyes and white nose. I have rescued two feral kittens in the last 2 years from the same mother cat. They are tamable when they are little. It's fumy when they hiss at you. The last little guy we rescued was only about 5 weeks old and he hissed at his own farts! LOL
Good photos of these cute guys.

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