Thursday, May 27, 2010

White Pelargonium.......

I bought a new geranium yesterday.  I wanted to find a pure white one but the  greenhouse did not have one. This is a nice second choice. It was a bargain because they had trimmed it back for some reason. I know that this plant will do well with a little tlc.

The bonus photo for today is the red daisy that is trying to open. It has an explosive expression as it tries to open.


Anonymous said...

Good Evening Larry, What a pretty geranium with the blush of pink.
That daisy is a real stand-out and your photo of the center is so clear.
Cheerful pictures to end the day. Is it still very hot where you are?

Delwyn said...

Hi Larry

there is something so familiar about the old geranium, that speaks to me of family long gone and family newly gone. I love there ordinariness and simplicity.

happy days

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What a lovely, blushing geranium. Your red daisy is really nice also.


Valerie said...

Seems the red daisies have a struggle to open, I wonder if that's where the expression lazy daisy came from.

Far Side of Fifty said...

It is a beautiful Pelargonium! Even if it does have a hint of pink. I am trying to remember what was the best white I used to that was pure white and the petals didn't shatter easily..Tango White was the best one I think with Patriot coming in a close second. The one you have looks like one from the Americana series..but who knows for sure. One thing I found with white Pelargonium customers, either you really like them or you don't.:)

Sunny said...

Lovely geranium, there is something so pure about white flowers. I just love them!
The red daisy is just waking up.
☼ Sunny
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