Thursday, June 10, 2010


The rain caused the clematis to droop so I had to take a photo of it upside down, pointing the camera upwards. The foliage with backlighting creates a special effect.


Anonymous said...

That created a beautiful photo Larry. Looks like there are many more buds to open yet. That's such a pretty color.

Gigi Ann said...

I love these pretty purple clematis. My neighbors have them in three different colors. One is a lighter purple than this one. The rain on it makes it even lovelier. I like the bright red lily also. Red always draws my eyes to them. And I took a picture of a lovely orange one today. I will be posting it tomorrow.

Thanks for all your visits to my blogs, I always enjoy your comments as well.

Christine H. said...

I just can't believe we're so far behind you. My white clematis has bloomed, but not the purple jackmanii or however you spell that.

claude said...

Any flower is pretty with water drop.
I have the same clematisis, Larry. In photo to day on my blog.

Russell said...

All very nice images.

You have had a lot more rain in southern Iowa than we have had in north central. And it sounds like you are going to get more in the next few days.

Take care.

Kat Mortensen said...

I've always wanted to have a clematis in my garden, but it's either too sunny (at the front) or too shady (at the back).
Lovely photo, Larry. The backlighting makes it something special.

The Retired One said...

I like this perspective of them!


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