Monday, June 28, 2010

Seeing Red.........

I am walking by this truck and there is no way that I could not resist.  At the art festival, pop and beer trucks were parked down one street sitting there keeping supplies cold.  Any vendor who needed more wares, they could just contact the Coke man or Budweiser and they would have instant delivery.

A bonus picture to show you how strong the color is on these trucks.  Coke was smart to get a hold of this as their product color as when you see this color you think Coca Cola.


The Retired One said...

I love "lipstick red" cars and trucks...gorgeous!

Sunny said...

That is one clean and shiny truck. No mistaking what's inside!
☼ Sunny

Anonymous said...

That's a great shot Larry and you are right, we all associate that bright red with Coke!

Valerie said...

I have a red car but it's not such a gorgeous colour as the Coke truck. It was definitely a smart move by Coke to select that particular shade.


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