Thursday, July 15, 2010

Animal shots............

When it is hot outside, you must find a place to lay in the cool dirt.  Always on duty to bark at the neighbor's cats, the heat was just too much for him today and he would only check the territory quickly and then come right back into the house. It was 95 degrees hot F.  with a humidity of 85 percent or more. The heat index was like 114 degrees.

Button the mean dog actually does not lean but he is walking towards me and it looks like he leans.  He is completely well from his surgery and he has all his stitches chew off on his one leg and the ones on his eyelid are close to falling off too.  That leg look of his will be corrected as soon as more of his hair grows back. The vet did that to get to one of the warts and I think she used the other leg for an IV. We need to trim the ends of his legs to match but we have been too busy.


Anonymous said...

They both are adorable Larry. You know it's hot when they don't want to tarry on border patrol! So happy to hear Button is doing better.

The Retired One said...

They are so cute! You will have to get a kiddie pool and take them "swimming" in it so they can stay cool! Take care and all of you stay hydrated in that heat,Larry!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Button is mean..coulda fooled me..LOL! Yes the heavy fur coats must be uncomfortable in the heat. We have a pool for Chance ..he is always wet:)

Christine H. said...

Oh, that humidity! Ouch.

claude said...

Happy dogs, even in the heat of summer and I am happoy to read one ot both is better after surgery.
Previous rose is really a beauty.

Valerie said...

With our current temperature I can't even imagine what it's like in your heat! I approve of everyone's idea of a paddling pool for the animals. Poor Button, I'm so glad he's on the mend.

Anonymous said...

I am sure glad the dogs are making it in this heat and humidity. It is terrible here in Ohio.

I am trying to get some favorite family recipes from my favorite bloggers. I even started a new blog—Fat Lady Recipes—to hold them. I have received some submissions with more promised. A photo of your dish is nice but not required. A photo of yourself is required as well as your real name. Sometimes I can use your profile photo if it is not an icon.

The Fat Lady Recipes blog should be getting some magazine coverage soon but I am not at liberty to talk about just yet.

You don't have to be fat to share recipes.

Fat Lady Recipes

Sunny said...

The heat and humidity is just awful and it's got to be horrible in a fur coat!
We had Lucy clipped but she is still feeling the heat.
Happy to hear that Button is feeling better, both doggies are so cute :)
☼ Sunny


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