Monday, August 16, 2010

All in one day........

 The bud actually develops the day before but then the unfurling begins.  It  can be opened in a few hours and then it is gone.  It collapses instantly as if it were like a deflating balloon or a smashed umbrella.


OiseauBird said...

"Liseron"is the name of this flower very surprising.
For a long time I observed it
have a good day

Valerie said...

The bud is quite beautiful and then comes the unfurling ... still beautiful, while it lasts.

The Retired One said...

Loved this "timelapsed" view of the was wonderful.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Lovely Morning Glory..they save their best for only one day..two if you are really lucky! Stunning photos! :)

Christine H. said...

It's like poetry.
