Monday, August 2, 2010


There is so much more to the story of how proud Russ was of the mural idea and with us getting this mural done on time. You can see him here opening the door up, proud of the mural and proud of the door that covers it up when it needs to be protected.

The group that served lunch on the day of the mural's grand opening needed to use all the electric outlets to keep their food warm.  The irony is that it was the day that the largest amount of the public could view the mural, but they couldn't. There is an electric socket behind this door and they had to close the door to get the electric cord plugged into the socket.  They didn't pretend to find a creative solution, they just closed the door.

So as we met the deadline for the grand viewing of the mural and all that the public were able to see was about one foot of it on the left side.   I do have a great sense of humor about how life works and I just laughed.

It reminds me of a fellow art teacher who taught at another school.  She had her students work so hard to create a wonderful mural and the highly paid administrator placed pop and juice drink machines in front of it.  It is a crazy world.


Christine H. said...

It is a crazy world, but that's a beautiful mural!

Martin said...

It's almost as though some people shuffle things of beauty, down the list. I would have seen the funny side of this too. Crazy.

Valerie said...

The mural is fantastic... who is the proudest, creators or Russ?

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

A crazy world indeed. It's a good thing you have a sense of humor, that helps tremendously. Your mural is great.


Alan Burnett said...

It is indeed a crazy world. To cover such a wonderful piece, even temporarily, seems as near as a definition of crazy as you can get.

Hilary said...

That's a beautiful piece of art.. what shows anyway. I'm amazed at how some people just look past beauty.. whether it's art or nature. It's sad, really.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Couldn't they have run an extension cord or cut a creative hole in the door? You and Dellas mural is too pretty to be covered up:)

jennyfreckles said...

You do have to laugh or you'd cry! What a fantastic painting though. I hope people come back just to see it properly.

Silverlining said...

The true vision of beauty is Russ's heart - that something so magnificant came through him!


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