Friday, August 20, 2010

Out for a trot.......

The new arena built for horse shows and also concerts is a beautiful facility.  This competition was a fun one to watch,  When the announcer gave the directions, the horses would  walk, trot and a few other things that I don't remember.  The horses actually seem to know the words from what the announcer said as you did not see the driver giving them any commands.  They would pull back on the reins once in a while to slow them down.

Two pictures today so I can show you the one end of the new arena.  The metal fencing held in the clay floor in place. They put in for the show as it is easier on the horses to be on a clay floor.  It is a cement floor at the bottom and they will remove the clay with machinery to return it to maybe a floor on which concert goers can sit.  The side areas seat 3600 people but the floor space can add another 3000 folding chair seating.


Anonymous said...

What a magnificent horse and a lovely arena.

The Retired One said...

What a gorgeous captured his spirited trot perfectly!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Beautiful creature..I think the signals are done using the reins and perhaps a little flick of that whip above the horses back. I don't think they actually hit them..this kind of sulky riding is quite an art:)

Valerie said...

A fine horse, I do like to watch them trotting.

claude said...

Beautifful arena. Over here they a lot of horse shows. For one of them the horsemen are cavalerymen. It is a famous show in the the city of Saumur. I give you a link in the next comment.

claude said...

Betsy Brock said...

Oooh...that looks like fun! Horses are so smart. That facility looks beautiful!


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