Sunday, August 29, 2010

Red can look great on a great old car.......

State Fair photo again of some vintage car.  Red is better than black and I assume that it originally was black. 


Valerie said...

That's a beauty, I'd love to have ride in it. I like the red better than black.

jennyfreckles said...

Oh, lovely... I like the white tyres too.

Anonymous said...

I think my father had a green one. Not sure if it was painted. I was in a wreck in it with him.

claude said...

I love vintage cars. Beautiful color !

claude said...

I like so much vintages cars. Beautiful color !

Prospero said...

Now that's a car!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Uffda that is one great looking car, excuse me whilst I wipe the drool from my chin:)

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