Saturday, August 14, 2010

Supershot of Superman......

Superman has been lost. If you are a believer in the toy world of "Toy Story" you know that this guy has been anxiously awaiting me to find him.  He has been peaking over a large set of books on the bookshelf wondering when the owner of this house will ever find him.

I am clearing and cleaning the spare room.  It had been a toy room a lot of years in the 70's.  Then it became  our bedroom for my wife's father for almost 7 years.  The past year it became a storage room and bird room.  Early this week I had decided to attach the room.  Everything is being tossed if it doesn't look viable. Some of it is my father in laws and the rest is an accumulation of 34 years of things. 

I really was surprised to see this guy laying behind the books.  He has had to been there over 15 years.  The boys, which one I don't know who owned him, are now 35 and 33 years old.

Placing the super strong guy into a glass vase really made him spin around.


Anonymous said...

What a fantastic shot of Superman! I remember my nephews having these figures in the 70's. You should add a link to your post to Weekend Reflections - the folks there would love to see this! Thanks for sharing and I know Superman is wondering what took you so long! The reflections link is on my blog tonight.

The Retired One said...

Poor Superman..I am so glad he is not lost anymore!

jennyfreckles said...

Clever shot - he looks as though he's flying.

Valerie said...

Hmmm isn't Superman supposed to overcome all situatons...
This post appealed to my imagination, Larry, and I came up with the idea that really Superman flew at night, putting the world to rights, and you knew nothing about it.

Anonymous said...

Neat. A super whirlpool of superman colors.

Veronica said...

What an awesome photo of Superman in action!! I love it!!

Betsy Brock said...

Love the photo...he looks like he's in a time machine! I love finding 'lost' items like that! I bet if that SM could talk, he'd have some cute stories about your boys!

Far Side of Fifty said...

What a great artsy fartsy are one of a kind Larry..I so enjoy your blog! :)

Tuesday Morn....

   The evening shot at the top is almost the same as the morning shot. The earth continues to tilt and look at where the sun is hitting alre...