Sunday, September 26, 2010

Butterflies are free...........

A perfect form caught by the camera as the butterfly is readying itself to close up the wings and rest.


Lo said...

Exquisite........God had fun designing Butterflies.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Great photo L.D. Butterflies can be so elusive at times. It is always a joy to capture one with our cameras.


Valerie said...

And so ends another butterfly year, sad!

Anonymous said...

That is a nice Monarch Butterfly, Larry. To answer your question about the color film used in the Japan photo – I left this comment under your comment on that blog.

Color came out when I was overseas. Kodak and Fuji both did about the same time. Most soldiers in the occupation were afraid to use it fearing it would change colors as the tint on Kodak was a decided blue cast while Fuji was a green cast. Of the two, most soldiers picked Kodak. I do have a blog that is getting more attention at

OiseauBird said...

Beautiful butterfly, a monarch ?
Button your dog is he a bichon or a maltese?and an adult ?
Have a great day
