Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cadillac Mountain........

Acadia National Park sports a mountain that allows you to see many wonderful views.  This particular spot is considered the first place that anyone in the United States can see the first sunrise.  The fences are there to discourage people from getting off the trails and trampling out the fauna. 


Anonymous said...

Spectacular view!

Sunny said...

It's still as beautiful as I remember it from visiting there many years ago. I don't recall those fences back then.
☼ Sunny

Betsy Brock said...

I want that view out my kitchen window! Instead, I see the neighbor's truck in his driveway! LOL!

The Retired One said...

Gorgeous spot..I hope to go there someday!

Far Side of Fifty said...

What a beautiful view..I love the fences..and I bet it works to keep people out of what ever is growing there..they must be some hardy plants:)


It is a painting that my wife created of the pottery I made years ago. The pottery was created while taking a college class in which I was t...