Sunday, September 5, 2010

Doors and windows.......

Our son and his wife had a first anniversary party for all the relatives and friends near Bar Harbor.  It was in a building built in 1906.  I won't reveal anymore details at this point except to let you see the beauty of the doorway and the wonderful set of double windows, double hung with may individual panes.


Valerie said...

How unusual. I never saw so many panes in one window. There looked even more with the window open, at least I assume that's how the effect of 'four' frames came about. I wondn't like to be the window cleaner.

L. D. said...

It is actually two sets of windows of the exact same kind of window. I guess in 1906 they knew a double set would be warmer on a very cold day.

Betsy Brock said...

Beautiful! The double hung ones are not only beautiful, but probably practical, too. Love the door.

Gigi Ann said...

I would not want to be the person who washes these windows.

Far Side of Fifty said...

It looks like a fancy place! :)

Cacuts Bloom....

 The cactus is reblooming right now.  I am glad to see it. I try not to over water them and that helps make a desert-like condition for them...