Sunday, September 19, 2010

Gourd vine is out of control...........

I planted these gourds just to fill up the trellis but they didn't take off until August.  Now they have vines hanging down in the walk way and blooms are everywhere.  The frost will get them before any gourds form.

It is almost to windy and cold now for it to open completely.  It has a great sculptural form and the white is beautiful.


Sunny said...

If they don't open, does that mean you'll be 'out of your gourd'?
Sorry, Larry, it's late and I get silly when I'm tired! LOL
It's a beautiful flower, can they be covered and protected from the weather? I have no green thumb!
☼ Sunny

Valerie said...

The white is beautiful. What a shame it's so late. Maybe next year....

Anonymous said...

The blooms are very nice - that's a wonderful close-up. We are still experiencing highs around 92 each afternoon!

The Retired One said...

A great idea to fill a trellis!

Far Side of Fifty said...

The bloom looks so pretty, I think I should try to plant some again..I enjoyed growing them..we made some birdhouses:)

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Very 'iris-like'and the leaves are even pretty.
Thanks everso for always stopping by and leaving nice comments and stories about your pets, too.

Architecture with Frosting....