Friday, September 10, 2010

Jordan Pond.......

A smaller fresh water lake on Mt. Desert Island, Acadia National Park, Maine.  It is a smaller one with unique mountain features around it.

Shallow water around the lake gave off interesting patterns with the rocks in the water.


Sunny said...

The water always looks chilly in Maine, even in summer. Did you stick your tootsies in it?
The rock patterns and shadows are really pretty.
☼ Sunny

Valerie said...

I thought I was lookig at ducks, until I looked again and realised they were rocks. It's marvellously scenic, a place I would be drawn to if only I had the chance.

The Retired One said...

Gorgeous rocks and water photos.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Looks very much like way up North in Minnesota..that northernmost chain of lakes and the Boundry waters..:)


It is a painting that my wife created of the pottery I made years ago. The pottery was created while taking a college class in which I was t...