Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Only a memory......

The windstorm that passed through the other night broke off a dead limb from the maple tree.  That dead line destroyed this garden figure.  He is no more.  Again I am using an archived photo of two winters ago.


Christine H. said...

Oh, how sad. Is it Father St. John O' Sullivan of San Juan Capistrano?

Sunny said...

Oh no! Poor Saint Francis, may he rest in pieces.
☼ Sunny

claude said...

I am very sorry, Larry, for this garden figure and for you. Buy anotger one !

Valerie said...

What an awful shame. I'm so sorry, it was such a lovely figure too.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

L.D. How awful. We have had that happen too. DH takes epoxy and puts them back together.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Break out the glue! Who is going to protect the animals? Those white petunias in your header are stunning! That other white stuff is ugly:)
