Monday, October 25, 2010

Errie moon......

A few nights back the moon and the clouds and my tree all were set ready for me to shoot a picture. Moments later the moon was out of perfect position.


The Retired One said...

Awesome photo and perfect for Halloween!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the kind of sky to gather round a campfire and tell ghosts stories! It's a lovely shot Larry.

Martin said...

It's still the perfect shot for tales of ghosts and ghouls, Larry. Nice composition.

Sunny said...

Couldn't be better for Halloween. Very cool picture!
☼ Sunny

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

I like that, a perfect shot for this month!
Very spooky feel to it.

Karen said...

This is a great picture. I enjoyed scrolling through your photography.

A Cold Moon.....