Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sedum bloom

The foliage on my three different clumps of sedum were wonderful most of the summer, then they all slumped to the ground. The blooms were plenty but oh so pathetic. You can see what they looked like in the right side of this photo. But two late sprouts came out with just the right look. So I photographed one and enlarged it so you can see what they all should have looked like this fall. I am grateful for this little sprout.


Anonymous said...

I love sedum plants! Your photo is very pretty and what an unexpected surprise to get new sprouts late in the season. Hope you have a good day Larry!

Valerie said...

Plants are contrary this year, which in itself has been rather strange. I had a Camelia in full bloom after several years of not flowering at all. This year we've had a variety of mushrooms -never seen before - which by all accounts is due to the unusual summer weather.

The Retired One said...

Ours are bravely ending their autumn blooms too! Although with the high winds we are getting today, they will probably blow away. ha

Far Side of Fifty said...

Each little flower is like a perfect star:)

A Cold Moon.....