Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Down the street heading south......

When you drive three blocks south of my home you hit the edge of town and a farm.  The farmer is gone now but his son in law helps to keep the herd going.  It is a sunny day and no matter how I tried, the sun on my right was too bright and the point and shoot just would not focus. I still liked the color and so I will share the photo anyway.

The silos have not been used for years.  They would fill them with chopped corn, silage, and feed it to the cattle all year.  On the other side of the silos and shed is a feeding lot for raising beef steers but it has been years since that was done.  In fact, the son in law now raises heifers calves in the area each year, raising them into milk cows for their dairy which is down the road a few miles.

The sunny day is deceiving as it actually is 29 degrees with a cold wind chill.


Anonymous said...

That's a pretty and peaceful scene Larry. Hard to imagine your temps are so cold. We have had light rain today but it is still warm.

The Retired One said...

I heard your area is getting an icy blast! We are due for snow in one or two days it begins! ha

Valerie said...

A nice lazy scene. It's hard to imagine the cold when looking at the picture. Love the new header, by the way.

Anonymous said...

I just found out that you are an artist, Larry, and I think I visited all of your blogs. I even discovered your wife's artwork on several of her pages. You have been around the blogging world for a long time and for some reason I had no clue about you artistic status. I used to be an artist, and like you, was into just about anything related to art and did it. I sold nearly everything I ever did but now at this late stage of life I am trying to get back into watercolors. I am also trying to teach myself the Japanese "anime" style of drawing and painting. You really are a gifted artist and so is your wife. I have clicked to "follow" you so I can get here easier than I have in the past.

Anonymous said...

I is very peaceful. It looks like time slows down there with the cows grazing in the fields. It sounds like one of those very brisk cold sunny days. I've never seen silos like the ones here...very interesting looking.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Great farm scene! I hope you and Della have a wonderful Thanksgiving:)

Karen said...

The silos remind me of Crabapple, Ga, near where I grew up! The weather here has been hot cold hot cold. Can't make up its mind! Happy Thanksgiving

Snow Falling Today.....