Sunday, December 26, 2010

Backyard retreat..........

It is winter in Iowa and the thought of green grass and flowers is a distant memory.  Cold and white with dark shapes against the snow is the new landscape of the season.

The gazing ball still reflects the light of the day and the rose bush behind it is begging to be trimmed back. Ah yes, winter is here and the tracks in the snow tell stories of dogs and cats.  Birds and rabbit tracks circle around the feeder and the squirrel tracks are there too.


The Retired One said...

I LOVE seeing that bright blue in the middle of your winter scene..fantastic shot!

Anonymous said...

Pretty photo Larry but I know you tire of the snow and the constant battle with shoveling it. I am looking forward to Spring and already looking at seed catalogs on line!
Much of the snow melted during the day but now temps are dropping and everything is freezing. I imagine tomorrow will be much more dangerous here than today.

Valerie said...

Lovely photographs. Bet you didn't sit in those chairs over Christmas! I still haven't got my gazing ball, the one I had on my Christmas list the last two years.

Morning Clouds….

 The sun won’t be blocked by these clouds. I had to lean way over the end of the deck to get the sun in the shot. As the earth keeps tilting...