Friday, January 7, 2011

The stare.....

Button is not so sure about the old clock.  He was concerned that it was invading his space.  He finally went over and sniffed it but he still kept looking up and giving me the stare.


Sunny said...

I think that's called the 'Daddy make it go away' stare. Haha!
☼ Sunny

Valerie said...

That's a great picture, Larry. Button had a right to be wary, you never know what these old clocks can get up to............

Anonymous said...

Button is cute as can be. He reacts to your clock much like my cats to our new cuckoo clock! Hope you have a nice weekend.

Gigi Ann said...

That is such a cute picture of Buttons, He thinking I didn't do it, where did that thing come from anyway?

Betsy Brock said...

Awww...I hope Buttons bonds with the clock soon!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Button is on guard..just incase the Border Collie is napping! He must be looking out for the attack of the evil clock! Ha! :)

The Retired One said...

The old "stink eye"...hahhaa Gotta love it!


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