Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Gun and roses.......

Another archived photo that I took a couple of years ago. When I first started blogging I had no friends.  I didn't get comments for about four or five months into the game.  If I repost some of the oldies, you will  may never have seen the visual before now.

I was exploring my toy soldier collection at the time that came from my John and Iva Connection.  It was around Christmas time and I set this shooter up to view him in the camera and there was a perfect shot with a wonderful background.  Actually the smooth texture of the guy didn't help to get the macro to focus on him and it really fell in love with those artifical roses.


Valerie said...

Absolutely love it. The blend of colours is amazing, just look how the soldier's stand blends with the cloth he's standing on.

Alan Burnett said...

Bring them on : so much good stuff must be buried in the days before I for one became a follower.

claude said...

Hello Larry !
Taht is a nice love story between a soldier and roses.
You know, on last year we put our both fish of the aquarium in the pond. The winter has been very cold and the pond got frozen. A few days ago I saw them swimming with the other ones.

troutbirder said...

Looks a lot better than my recollection of those loud and obnoxious "heavy metal" guys.
Also, noting your gorgeous cichlid, I've got a pair of "Jack Dempseys"... not as nearly pugnacious as their namesake! :)

Far Side of Fifty said...

Isn't there a Band called Gun's and Roses? I like yours better, I don't think I found your blog until the summer or 2009...I am glad I did..and then when Rae said she didn't know a blogger from Iowa..well that wasn't right..I always enjoy your blog Larry:)

The Retired One said...

pretty neat shot!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Oh, love the 'War of the Roses' of this one, two things I would have not put together for a photo but it works and speaks volumes.

As always, thanks for your visits and pats to the cats :-)
