Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mainer Dogs..........

Aaron and Keegan have two dogs that love to be together.  They are Mainers for sure but I don't think they bark with an Eastern Maine accent. 

My goal for photo a day was to just post a picture for the sake of enjoying a good photograph.  I didn't intend to make it a social visit and to write lots of words.  The picture really should fill in the blanks.  So to cut my stress and use of time I am hoping to be less wordy and more pictorial in nature only.  I am going to wean you off of my so many words.   He said in three sentences!!!!


Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Most dogs love car rides and snow, unlike most cats! I have a friend who goes out to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary every year and he takes the dogs for rides in his truck--isn't that sweet!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and happy-looking dogs. It has been fun to meet new neighbors and their pets. One family has 3 dachshunds and I think Harriet has her eye on the boy!!!!!

Christine H. said...

I'll be interested to see how this goes. I have been telling myself the same thing for awhile and instead I just get wordier. Sigh. And then I made the mistake of naming my blog "The Daily Postcard" instead of "The Whenever I feel like it Postcard Blog."

Valerie said...

Sometimes it's easier to let the picture talk for you. I guess it depends on the mood of the day. Anyway, being a true dog lover I adored this picture.

The Retired One said...

Don't need to apologize for being chatty (or NOT) It is your blog, do what feels right each day. We'll still enjoy it.

troutbirder said...

Good time saving plan.... but I could never do it. That's the social studies teacher in me. :)

L. D. said...

I started the Larry's Creative Zone to express my creative side of interests but there were photos that I just wanted to share as an artistic expression. So come on over to the Creative Zone if you miss my continue chatte

claude said...

Larry, sometime a photo is better that words.
Beautiful dogs !

Far Side of Fifty said...

Good looking Grand Dogs! You can do whatever you want..we don't mind..words or no words..:)
