Friday, April 15, 2011

Tulip study......

A bargain tulip which is always the first to bloom.  Note the peonies are pushing up in the background. I am really tired of strong easterly winds and cold wet rain.  Horizontal rain is the rage around here.


Anonymous said...

Love your tulip and can't wait to see the peonies. Mother had a very pretty peony many years ago that was one of her favorite plants.

Valerie said...

Take heart from the flowers, Larry. The tulip is really lovely, mine are only just poking through the soil.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What a lovely tulip with a chorus of peonies bursting forth in the background.

I'd love some good old fashioned rain. No wind, no horizontal stuff, just coming straight down.

Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

Betsy Brock said...

We have horizontal rain beating on our windows this morning! My peonies seem to be at the same stage as yours, too!

I really need to plant some tulip bulbs this fall!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Horizontal rain..sounds dreadful ..there is one advantage to it being just snows:)

Things of the Past....

 Sort of in storage and yet in the spare bedroom are a few old things of the past. The sleds were for Christmas display on the front step. T...