Monday, May 16, 2011

Pure white tulip......

This is the last one for the season and as you can see it is starting to weather from the rain, wind and cold. The deep red ones are shriveled up a lot but put out a nice spot of color.


Vivian aka Deborah said...

Nice shot of this one lone white tulip, Larry. And I love your header with the pink blossoms and the different color pink lettering.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful tulip Larry and the header is absolutely gorgeous. Have a nice week!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Makes me think of spring weddings..and how tulips are underused:)

claude said...

Very beautiful, Larry !

Valerie said...

I came in and found a riot of colour. What a fabulous header picture. I don't think I've seen white tulips before, it's a beauty.


 The purity of the color makes them have their own subtle beauty. Can you spot the fourt flower that is about to pop up.