Saturday, May 14, 2011

Returning to the Globe's

The alum theme will continue until they are fully in bloom and they start to fade.  The blue reflection globe among the globe alum seems genius but it really is that it just happened.  I  like the purple color of these plants.


Valerie said...

This is a fabulous picture, Larry. I love the way the other flowers fade into the distance.

Anonymous said...

That's a great shot, Larry. Wishing you and Della a nice and relaxing weekend.

Betsy Brock said...

Lovely! The blue globe is the perfect accent!

Russell said...

I like the blue gazing ball, too. I agree with Betsy.

Interested to see Woodward bridge - very interesting really. I had not seen this image before and wondered what the bridge had been like before it become part of the bike trail.

I always enjoy your photos. On your sidebar I really like the image of the colorful marbles!

You have a very good eye and I appreciate seeing your photos.

Take care.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Stunning..this is one of the best photos you have shared on your blog Larry..Well done! The flowers seems to go on forever..and the light is just perfect!!:)

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