Thursday, June 30, 2011

Broken dreams.........


Valerie said...

Oh dear, wonder what happened.

L. D. said...

It was actually an old storm window that I had removed from the house. The 60 mile an hour window flipped it and dropped it onto something leaving me a shattered window. The design of the pieces that I picked up made a great shot.

The Retired One said...

Ruh roe. Hope nobody got hurt...and it DID make a cool photo!

Veronica said...

I like this. I should have taken a photo last week when my son knocked over my small china cabinet and glass was everywhere.Not that I want a re-enactment but I will remember next

Anonymous said...

Makes for an interesting photo, Larry.

Tuesday Morn....

   The evening shot at the top is almost the same as the morning shot. The earth continues to tilt and look at where the sun is hitting alre...