Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Asiatic surprise.........

I had forgotten what color this lily was until it opened on Sunday.  I really am glad to see it multiply and spread as I now have three stalks of it. 


claude said...

Pretty color, Larry !
I am sure you had a Happy Fourth.

Anonymous said...

That's a lovely punch of color among all the green.

Valerie said...

Incredibly beautiful. Is Asian Surprise it's name?

Hilary said...

It's a beauty!

Betsy Brock said...

Lovely! I really need some lilies! :)

L. D. said...

No, I don't know the name of it, nor even when I planted it. I think I bought it at a flower show one time from and older couple, that's my age too, and I planted the one bulb and now it is bigger and taller and has three stalks.

Anonymous said...

I love Asiatic Lilies, I have a flowerbed specifically for them :) I love this shade of pink, I don't think I have this one.

Color Blends.....

 Thursday morning glow of the start of the day is seen with all these blended colors.Leaves are not started to bud yet but soon the view wil...