Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday's day of rest...........

The sun was low in the west and the stella's actually were glowing in the low light.  It was such a dull light out there and the yellow was a magical light against the dark background.

Everyone have a restful day and I hope the weather is not a major extreme in any way.  


Valerie said...

Sadly, I don't get such wonderful views where I live.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Wow L.D. those really are glowing. Wonderful photo.

We've had thunderstorms throughout the night and still happening now. We've gone from drought to rain every day. Great for the water table and all the plant life.

Have a great holiday ~ FlowerLady

Karen said...

I have worked with silk flowers over the years, and I often think about how no one can duplicate the colors and textures that God creates! I have enjoyed browsing through your posts this morning. Please be sure to visit my blog today if you get a chance.

Spring View....

 I took the shot of the birdhouse on the pole but I got a picture of a tree instead. When the leaves form we never see the birdhouse.