Thursday, July 7, 2011


I couldn't resist taking a photo of our umbrella. It's colors and textures and the design as a whole as it was all squished together made a nice composition.  I don't leave it open as the winds can pick it up or tip the table over, even when there is weight at the base of it.


Hilary said...

Very cool shot. I couldn't figure out what it was at first.

Anonymous said...

This would have been a tough "what is it?" Very nice photo.

Valerie said...

Of course once you said it was an umbrella I could see it immediately. I was taken by the colours though. My umbrella is quite drab by comparison.

troutbirder said...

Color Color Indeed. The lilies are definitely my favorite.

Veronica said...

Love it...there is art in everything!!

Things of the Past....

 Sort of in storage and yet in the spare bedroom are a few old things of the past. The sleds were for Christmas display on the front step. T...